Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More projects and a not quite after

The Dining Room is coming along nicely. Very nicely, but I'm not ready to take pictures just yet.

There's one project left that I need to finish.

Six years ago, my parents got me a Martha Stewart Geneology Fan Chart and Frame. It's been sitting in the box, with me longingly looking at it about twice a year. While I was cleaning out the craft room, I made a list of all my 'started' projects. I put the fan chart at the top of the list.

Part of me is afraid to start it. It is so pretty, all blank and clean. I don't want to make a mistake. Also, I wanted to find the 'perfect' pen and have the 'perfect' place to put it. I want it to be better than good.

I took the first step by penciling in the 'test' copy.

I took the second step by finding the 'perfect' pen

The final copy hasn't been started. I'm waiting for a little more information from my husband's family. Then I'll be able to finally put this project to rest

Until then, I'm putting together baby quilts. Itty bitty ones - around 36" x 36". The preemies in the NICU are each given a quilt when they check in, and are able to take it home when they check out. This is only possible through donations of quilts by 'little old ladies.' I thought I'd make two for the two my sister's babies will take home

This is the one I put together this morning:


I found the bundles in the clearance bin at WalMart. They were around $1 each. The bin is my stash of fabric for a rainy day.

Not sure if I have enough... Heh.

Alas, here is the almost finished product:

It ended up smaller than I thought, so I'm going to add some blue sashing around the outside. The backing will be blue, with possibly red piping around the outside to pick up the little bit of red in the fabric. Not sure yet...


Mitzi Green said...

i'm telling you, you could move to kc and be my Personal Clothing Designer. i'll feed you and you can room with bob...

Jen said...

go on with your crafty bad self....

Tree said...

Awesome, G!! So cool and such a great thing to do. When J was in the hospital and had trouble keeping her heat up, she wore a knitted pink hat. I was able to take that home. For the first two months of her life, she wore that hat. It was the only one that fit her!

MPPs Mom said...

I love hearing about your projects. I can relate to not wanting to start something because it looks perfect, untouched, but you give me inspiration to give it a go!! Keep posting about these and the after shots. I love it!

sillychick said...

oooh, I want to learn! That little quilt is so cute!