Real Moms...
Kristin has a fun project titled "Real Mom Truths."
My addition?
Real Moms take naps.
Sometimes it's sitting on the couch and closing our eyes for ten minutes while the kids play. Sometimes it's giving in to the pleading of "lay with me," because, dangit, we're tired too. Sometimes it's waking up, slackjawed and drooling, after nursing a baby to sleep.
One of the hardest things for me to adjust to was the change in my sleep schedule. Hearing "well just nap when the baby does," didn't sit too well when pregnant with my first. If I did, how would anything get done? Eventually, I did. Perhaps not nap, but at least lay down for awhile to recharge. Fast-forward to my third, and as soon as she and my then two year old were asleep, I'd hustle the four year old up to my room. I'd put on some cartoons. She'd watch, I'd rest.
Even now, I'll take a nap. Maybe only 15 or 20 minutes, but to lay down and collect myself. With the seven year old at school, the four year old at preschool and the two year old napping? You can guess what I'm doing...
Some days, I bet that 15-20 minute nap is better than your night's sleep.
yeah, i balked at that "nap when the baby does" bit, too. and i never did. there was always too much to get done. fast forward 5 years--bob no longer naps, but we do...
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