Please. I beg you.
If you do one thing the summer...
I'm begging you.
Watch your kids when they're on the trampoline. Accidents happen. Trust me. I know.
We spent a super weekend visiting friends in Minnesota. As we were getting set to leave, Big Girl bonked her knee to her mouth, knocking one of her teeth (adult mind you) out of place. We iced it best we could and got an appointment first thing at the dentist Monday morning.
The dentist quickly referred us to an oral surgeon. He set the tooth to rights and braced it with wire and bonding agent for the next six weeks.
Six weeks. Like a broken arm. I spent the day yesterday with a shadow. Or a tail. She didn't get much further than five feet from me. I'd leave the room and hear, "mom, where are you?!?" Most of the day was spent on the couch with her.
Today she's off all pain medication and seems to be doing better. She's still pretty much on 'baby food,' but is handling it better than I would.
Poor kiddo! I hope the next six weeks go by fast!
poor punkin! give her a squeeze for me!
-Aunt D
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