Every Day Counts
I'm a bit worried.
Yesterday my sister got the results from her 24 hour pee test. There is protien in her urine and her blood pressure is high.
Seeing how her last pregnancy ended, I am worried.
I can not help it. I am my mother's daughter.
Fortunately, due to her last experience with pre-e, she knows the signs and if the worst is to happen she'll hopefully have about 2 minutes to call 911. Given that, our mom has taken to camping out there during the nights, and the nanny's there during the day.
We are all hoping that she can hang on just a bit longer - right now she's just starting her 31st week.
I am thinking of her and the wee baby. I hope all is well and she can make it at least 4-5 more weeks.
Sending lots of positive thoughts her way! I hope she takes it easy and has a relatively smooth ride the rest of the time. Pre-e sucks.
Positive thoughts... coming your way.
I hope everything is going well for her. Lots of good, healthy vibes . .
My first pregnancy I had terrible pre-e. Second one I had it but not nearly as bad. I've heard that can be the norm - so I'll keep my fingers crossed that her second time around is an easier one!
It's great she's got good care there for her round the clock. Let's hope the little one stays put for a few more weeks - I'll pray for her.
Been there, done that and wouldn't want to do it again. Hope all is well with Mom and baby!
Been there, done that and wouldn't want to do it again. Hope all is well with Mom and baby!
thinking of you guys! ++++++++
I didn't have pre-e, but I did have my baby at 32 weeks on July 3 this year. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU, but he is doing wonderfully.
Hoping for peace and health for both of them, and may he hang in there just a bit longer!
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