Monday, August 11, 2008

Guess What?

My husband got the computer working! That means I can finally share pictures.

I don't know how he did it - he tried to explain it to me - but, well... You'd never know I worked in IT for over six years...

Alas, here are a few things.

Nat's tote from my July giveaway...

Another lost tooth.

The cast came off...

Quilt for my sister... Not done yet, but it's getting closer.

And finally. Please don't hate me...



Mitzi Green said...

nope, sorry--hate you.

hey, that's what you get for posting a photo like that.

BlueBella said...

Welcome back! Great pics!

Tree said...

Nice tan! Look at that blue water!!

Love the quilt, the bag, YAY for the cast removal and the lost tooth!!

And is your hair shorter?

Rachelle Jones said...


Nat said...

You look awesome... almost as awesome as my tote! Can't wait to get it!

(Lovely quilt too.)

MamaMaven said...

The quilt is is the view in Cabo.