Friday, May 30, 2008

Finally Friday and More F'n Fabric

Nothing astounding today. Exept it's Friday, and payday.

And yes. I went and bought more fabric. More Teacher Gifts. They won't quite be as elaborate as the other bags, more like a watered down version of my Market Tote. No binding, I'll use my serger.

I realize, I have a problem. Maybe I should take the month of June off and not buy any more fabric.



Today is the last day of preschool for my youngest and I could nearly weep.

Nearly. I will admit, I'm going to miss the 'quiet time' with all three in school, but I'm also looking forward to not trying to get crankypants out of bed in the morning.

How, exactly did she get so big? Fortuantely, I still have one more year before Kindergarten to figure that out.


Last night I finished the binding on Teacher Quilt, Second Grade Version. One of the other moms organized it. I did some of the sewing, then offered to hand stitch the binding.

I used to despise the hand stitching, but now I've found peace with it. It soothes me.

The quilt is two sided, to accompany the number of kids. We're giving it to her on Tuesday - Can't wait to see her reaction!


Have a great weekend!


Builder Mama said...

What? The last day of preschool? When did she get that damn big?

Love the colors on the quilt, especially what you chose for the binding. I'm sure the teacher will love it!

Have a great weekend! And stay out of the fabric store, K?

Anonymous said...

That dress is adorable. And what a beautiful and memorable gift for the teacher.