Sunday, June 01, 2008

She's a winner alright...

Yesterday was day one of our weekend softball tournament.

We (the other parents) know this will be a tough season. It's a 10U (10 years and younger) Traveling Team (more competition - and they travel more) that's fairly young (like three of our girls are eight years old - including mine). Meaning - they probably won't win a lot this year.


The girls are having fun, and they're making progress. Their coach's philosophy is he wants all the girls to want to play next year. They rotate positions. They cheer each other on. Occasionally, they win one.

The first game yesterday was at 10 am. We played a team that we'd previously split a double header with.

It was a beautiful day. Considering I'd spent Thursday night at a double header in 50 degree weather while it was raining - blue skies and mid 70's was perfect.

The game was a good one, and a close one.

We went into the bottom of the last inning (they play by time, not number of innings) down by three.

My girl walked to first. Ran to second, then third. Two other girls were in. The game was tied.

She was poised to score the winning run...
And she did!


The second game we lost, quite handily. This morning's 8:30 game? They crushed us.

But it's ok. They're looking forward to this afternoon's 4 pm game. That's what counts.



Mitzi Green said...

hey, if they can lose and still want to play--THAT'S what really matters.

Nat said...

It's fun to see the love of sport developing. I signed the boy up for soccer this year. (Non competitive) I'm on the board of the group who organizes it.

The Boy is not the most coordinated child on the street. But he told me that he wants to play next year. (The team is about 50/50 split.) I think you put the emphasis on sportsmanship and on having a good time, the kids learn to love it. Win or lose.

Builder Mama said...

That's been our big thing this year - getting MM to try out all kinds of different sports to see if he even enjoys them. Baseball has been excruciating since the team sucks (the coach has done a crappy job IMO) but the boys have a total blast so they can't wait to play again. It's fun to watch.

Hope Big Girl's team does well this afternoon!

joansy said...

Sounds like she's having a great time. Congrats!

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

That's great!

Tree said...

I think the coach's attitude is fantastic! You do not find many like that. Sadly, it seems that many parents / coaches are reliving their sports dreams through their children.