Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hump Day

Last night while my daughter had dance, the other two and I waited at the school playground. The class is only 45 minutes, so it doesn't make much sense to drive home and back when there is a perfectly good playground right there. One of the favorites for the kids right now is the swings.

Remember the playground swings? Metal chain, S-shaped hook, blue plastic seat? They haven't changed, but the size of my rear end has. I still managed to get in one and go for a ride.

Whenever I swing, I'm taken back to my parent's yard and the rope swing suspended from a tree. My sister and I would beg our dad for "just one" under-dunk when he got home from work. Please, please, please? "Ok, just one." Our hands calloused from the monkey bars, we'd hold on tight. About a dozen later, he'd finally stop.

I loved that feeling: going so high I felt weightless and that topsy turvy feeling in my stomach. Last night, I managed to get both kids going, then hop on one myself. I was just at the high point of the arch, that topsy turvy feeling, as one of the kids needed a push. A small part of me was relieved, after grabbing the metal chain, my hands were a little sore. Guess I haven't been on the monkey bars enough.

When was the last time you gave yourself that topsy-turvy feeling?

Tree requested pictures of the curtains. Remember, I let my daughter pick the fabric. We had the purple sheers up already, and this is how she wanted it.

The big pillow case is just that, I measured a king pillow case and made one the same size. The smaller throw pillow I made a slightly larger case for (about 2 1/2" on each side) and sewed it inside. Then I sewed around the pillow. I wasn't quite sure what I was going for, but I like the final look.

May Day Baskets
The kids had a great time putting together the May Day baskets. I think we ended up doing 22 for the neighborhood kids.

Did you do May Baskets growing up?

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary.
In researching (read: "google") the nursery rhyme, I came across the origin. It is rather disturbing. Learn something new every day, I guess. Last night, we went to the fabric store and found this:
Which I turned into this:
It's times like this I wish I had a better camera. Alas, I think it's much like golf - not so much the equipment, but the user.
Happy Hump Day.


Tree said...

LOVE the curtains! The fabric is so pretty!

Mary Mary Quite Contrary's costume is so darn cool. You are such an super mom, G. I am in awe.

The May Day baskets are cool. We did not do these growing up. Did you?

The school where N practices soccer has about 12 swings. I love it!

Mitzi Green said...

swinging was always my favorite thing to do. i would go as high as i could, close my eyes, and pretend i was flying off to...wherever.

now, though, it makes me nauseous. i don't know if it's an inner ear thing or if i'm just freakin' old.

MamaMaven said...

Cute, cute curtains and pillows!

My girls are in serious swing phase right now, we put in a swing set and need to replace one of the other pieces of equipment with another swing.

May Day baskets are totally new to me but darned cute!

Unknown said...

You kill me with your crafty stuff. Go, G go! I am amazed!

Gretchen said...

Tree - Thanks!

Mitzi - since having kids, I am much more prone to motion sickness.

Heather - My kids are itching for a swingset to call our own. Finally the weather is getting nice enough we can put one up!

Aimee- Thanks! It's funny, because I don't use a pattern for any of it really.

We did May baskets growing up - made some and took them to school, or took them to friends' houses. The thought was that you'd leave it on the door step, ring the doorbell and run! The person would try to catch you, and if they did, they'd kiss you. We didn't do the kissing part around here, but we did ring the door bell and run.

Tree said...

What a great tradition and memory you are creating for your children!

Anonymous said...

My daughter and her Grandma made May Baskets and took one to her teacher and to my coworkers.

I think its a lost art! Good for you for making them and passing them out.

She was tickled when I brought home thank you's from a couple of people the next day.