Monday, April 03, 2006

Just like the old times

So Husband left early this morning - before 6 - to catch a flight to Atlanta. He'll be working there until Wednesday then jetting off to The Masters for Thursday and Friday.

Just like old times. I'll be home all week with the kids.

Only this time I don't have the support of my parents, play group, book study group, or the babysitting co-op. Nope. I'm all alone with three dependents.

Today we went to the gym. The kids played and I worked out for an hour and a half. Home in time for lunch then Big Girl to school. Nap for the Baby and try to keep the Boy quiet so as not to wake the Baby.

After the Big Girl gets home from school, I'll play them outside as long as they'll stay out. Have dinner, bath and hoping for an early bedtime tonight.


MPPs Mom said...

I cant' help but chuckle to myself. You move all that way to not have him gone M-F only to have him gone for a week while you are there........ I'll be here to cyber-support or call anytime :)

Builder Mama said...

Just remember, you'll get a teensy bit of revenge when you go to Boston!

And ditto - you know you can e-mail me anytime.


Tree said...

G, do you want my friend's information who lives in Minneapolis? I would be more than happy to share.

And it is ironic and frustrating, but you are one of the strongest and most independent women I know.

1.5 hr workout! Oh my!
