Friday, September 10, 2010

The one where they take our parenting license away

This summer, we took our kids on vacation. From the left, chairs three and four:
Something to note, my six year old is 52" tall. There was only one ride she couldn't go on. I bet she's the required 54" by next summer.

Until then, the memories of the Giant Barn Swing will have to sustain.
I never understood as a kid how my mom could sit on the sidelines and watch us. Really, I mean, there's fun to be had! How can you sit? Why don't you want to go?!?
Now I get it. I am good for 4 or 5 coasters, then I'm fine to watch.
There's something to be said for being able to send your kids on a ride and just watch. Don't worry, Mom, we watched very carefully.


Mama2Munchkin said...

That looks like great fun, but like you, after a few coasters, I'm done!

My 9 year old is an inch shorter than your 6 year old :) There is a coaster at Busch Gardens (Williamsburg) that she's been dying to ride, but she has to be 52inches...and let me tell you, she measures herself at the kid measuring thingee EVERY. TIME. WE. GO (which is often).

Anonymous said...

Dang can I go on vacation with you next time? Without my kids . . ..PUHLEEEZE???


Joe said...

The "You Must Be This Tall To Get On This Ride" is the cruelest of life lessons...

Anonymous said...

When you're much older, as I am, it's much more fun to watch the excitement of those riding than it is to actually do the ride yourself!! G'ma

linda said...

Now I know why Moms stand by and only watch as their kids and Dad go on the wild rides. But what I don't get, now that it has been pointed out, is why we let them!