Sunday, November 09, 2008

Silk - the gift that keeps on giving.

I'm kind of at a loss today.

It's our anniversary.

I've written about it before, but nothing's coming to me today.

Perhaps we skipped over the seven year itch and landed straight in the twelve year apathy? I mean, the "Silk" anniversary? Does anyone even follow the traditional gifts anymore?

For what it's worth - I'm making cinnamon rolls for breakfast - that has to count for something - right?!?


As an aside - a big shout out to my parents. They're celebrading their 40th anniversary.

Yes. Forty.

And they're still making it work.



Hanging Off The Wire said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Nat said...


I suppose you could call them Silky cinnamon buns?.

MPPs Mom said...

Happy Anniversary! Ironcially our 12th was earlier this year too, and passed by with barely an acknowledgment. Nice to know we're not the only ones. I'm just hoping 13 proves to be lucky rather than unlucky!

Anonymous said...

Whoa - congrats you crazy married for forever mama! You could get big daddy a carton of that soy milk Silk . . . but he probably wouldn't find that as funny as I do! -BB

Mrs. Wheezer said...

Happy (late) anniversary!

Our ninth is later this month...