The morning after
The kids had a great Halloween - they only went trick or treating for about an hour, but that was plenty of time.
This morning they wanted to count their loot - - 347 pieces of candy. That doesn't count the few they consumed last night, but still. That is a lot of candy.
Last night after trick or treating, one of the neighbors projected a movie on the side of their house. They kids bundled up with jackets and sleeping bags and watched Speed Racer. The parents sat by a cozy fire and had a few cocktails. That's how we roll here in Minnesota - you've got to enjoy every last moment of Fall.
Hopefully again next year they'll let me help make their costumes. The quickest was the Hannah M shirt. Indy's jacket was a hoot, and the cheerlearder was easier than it looked. My cheerleader, Hannah Montana, and Indiana Jones.
Good times, I tell you.
wow, that's a lot of candy! hope they didn't eat it all at once lol!
what a great idea to make a night of it by projecting the movie outdoors and sharing cocktails. sound like fun!
halloween isn't big in Australia although I do notice it getting more attention each year...
what precious kids! LOVE the idea of the movie outside. i'll have to "try" and remember that for next year.
I love your Hannah! So much more clever than all the girl Hannahs!
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