Friday, October 03, 2008

Something for my To Do list

I want to go here.

There's something I love about old churches - the stained glass and wood floors. I can practically hear the people walking in there. It's easy for me to get caught up in imagining how many weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other social functions happened there. And this one is filled with fabric.

The only problem?

Keep LEFT at the fork to go on I-94 W (Passing through NORTH DAKOTA, then crossing into MONTANA).

Yes, I hit mapquest to see exactly how far it is from me.

1258 miles. 18 hours. Give or take.

Given my husband has been gone since Tuesday, and won't return until Sunday, I'm thinking it's a fair trade. I love a good road trip.



Anonymous said...

Hey Sis, check this out:

Tree said...

It's pretty!

Anonymous said...

Just your cup of tea!


**Road trip with kids?**

Anonymous said...

You should not waste your time with MapQuest. Much better: Give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know that place! Amazing coincidence, it is about 3 miles from my house. Let me know if you make it to our neck of the woods.

Mitzi Green said...

18 hours is not a road trip, it's a freakin' pilgrimage...

Joe said...

Stay in Hamilton. There is a little more going on than in Corvallis. It is a beautiful river valley.

You'll pass through Bozeman. If you're wiped and want to get a beer, shoot me an email.
