Monday, October 13, 2008

Just another average Monday.

Mrs. G asked for a rundown of the Average Monday.

Though not terribly interesting, I'll share mine.

The alarm goes off at 7:15. I usually roll out of bed around 7:30 or so for some quiet time before the day starts.

I roust the kids around 7:45 or so. Sometimes they are agreeable, sometimes not. Usually not. This morning though, I said the magic word - Pop-Tart.

The bus arrives at 8:35. Recently, the kids have been riding their bikes to school. As long as they stay together, I'm fine with it. Unfortunately, the weather's not too great today in Minnesota, so it's the bus for them.

My carpool buddy picks up my four year old around 8:40 and she heads to 2.5 hours of preschool. She loves it. Miss S keeps her busy and entertained much better than I do.

What to do, what to do. I'm here alone now. Monday mornings I sew with my friend down the street. She's a hoot, and a great sewing resource.

I pick my four year old up and the other carpool kid up at 11:30. After dropping him of, the Girl and I usually run our Monday errands or head home for more sewing. Given today's a crappy rainy day, I'm thinking more sewing.
After a hard day of preschool, my youngest likes to drool in front of the tv for a bit. I'm all for it - as she's too old for a nap, but still needs the rest time. Either that or she's busy 'working' - writing her name, coloring, or doing workbook pages. No, I'm not kidding.

I usually try and get in a load or two of laundry. Not terribly exciting, but seeing as I like wearing clean clothes, it must be done.

The other two arrive home around 3:45. After a homework check, they are outside (if the weather cooperates).

Our only other Monday activity is Dance. My oldest is in Ballet II, and she really enjoys it.

The kids end their day with bath, snack, and bed.

Except my oldest. We've developed quite a ritual over the last couple months.

I braid her hair in two French braids. Though I covet the quiet time after they are in bed, I truly enjoy the time with just her.

Once they are all in bed, I am as well. As a faithful Netflix subscriber, I take the time to watch a movie and crochet.

Lights off around 11 or so. After all, I get to do it all again tomorrow!


Unknown said...

seems like a pretty awesome day to me!

Mrs. G. said...

Life looks pretty sweet on your end. Love those pretty braids.

Mrs. G. said...
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