Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just a bit fussy

Seeing as yesterday I had a Sharpie Permanent Marker leak all over my hand and under my fingernails and my uterus is doing it's monthly spin cycle, I'll try and keep this light.


Third grade. Where exactly does the time go?

First grade. Not the best picture, but the only one with his feet. Think he had a little growth spurt? Oy.

The final farewell. The only tears were shed by the toddler, as she wanted to go to school also.


Last night I got an email from one of my dearest friends. She was having a bit of the 'stay at home blues.' I wanted to let her know that it's so different, that it will be ok, and yes, some nights my kids eat macaroni and cheese, corn and a hot dog for dinner. No, I'm not kidding, this is last night's dinner.

I tried to explain to her that it will get better. I know it took me a whole year to get used to the idea.

Only a day late I finished my Sassy Apron Swap apron and hot pad...
Unfortunately I don't have a dummy to put this on, other than me, and I just - ahem - wasn't in the mood. The themes were 'pies' and 'fall.'
But I am really pleased with how the hot pad turned out.

Just like a mini quilt! I fussy cut the pies. I think it's pretty cute!


Mayberry said...

My kids would die happy eating that meal every day. We ordered pizza last night and called it a "back to school celebration."

Tree said...

LOL! N has PB&J last night for dinner, per his request. As long as he has a fruit and a veggie with it, I have no problems feeding that to him 4 days/wk.

The kids are so grown! And N's feed jumped a full size in shoe sizes since the last time I bought him shoes. I swear to you I will be able to wear his shoes and his t-shirts in another 2 years, if not sooner.

Unknown said...

The kids are so grown up!!!!

Nat said...

You have such gorgeous kids. (Love your boy's shoes.)

Mac 'n Cheese and Hot dogs... sounds like a plan for tonight.

MPPs Mom said...

you rock G, thanks ;)

MamaMaven said...

Love the apron! Wow, those are some serious "puppy dog" feet just wait until he grows into them!

joansy said...

The kids look great! And so does dinner. I love the pot holder.