Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

I knew it would happen.

I did it anyway.

Digging though my archives, I found this post.

Sure enough, I cried.

Today my baby turns four.

What, exactly, would we do without you?

Last year's post? It's here.

Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm off to have a good cry and a piece of cake.



Tree said...

She's four! Happy happy birthday!

I remember this because I met you when you were pregnant with her.

Anonymous said...

Have a tissue from me. My baby turned four in March...It always takes me by surprise when, for some reason, she does something or looks some way and I am struck by how old she much not a baby anymore...

Unknown said...


How can it be??? Time flies.

Happy birthday Little Girl.

Mitzi Green said...

happy birthday, b!

and thanks a lot, g. i'm pretty sure this post played a contributing role to that about which i just posted...

Builder Mama said...

Happy birthday, sweet girl!

I still remember finding out you were pregnant. Doesn't seem like four years have gone by, though!

Loralee Choate said...

I hear you absolutely on the crying thing. They just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday - I can't believe she's four already!

BlueBella said...

Happy birthday Little Miss!

If you ever need any baby squeezes to remind you, you know where to find me :)

Anonymous said...

It's been an amazing ride, hasn't it? I remember when we were all pg like it was yesterday. I am still in awe at the person my own four year old has become.

Happy Birthday Little Girl!
