Tuesday, April 01, 2008

For the love of all...

Stop the madness!

This is a pretty clear representation of what it looked like yesterday - all day...

After they were all home from school, the snow beckoned them. See them? Behind the tree? The are building a giant snowman - or is it a fort?
I called them in at 7:45 pm. Still snowing.

The Boy was not very happy.

They were so wet, I told them to throw their coats in the washer. I got the coats washed last night, and realized 15 minutes before the bus came this morning I forgot to put them in the dryer. Fortunately, we have backups.

Today it's sunny, so hopefully some of it will melt off.

On the craft front, Crazy Mom Quilts is looking to finish up some projects this week. Me too!

Here's the first of hopefully many:
Loralee's March Madness Giveaway. Now, I just need to get to the post office...


Mitzi Green said...

if we got snow like that today, i would kill myself. totally. i'm not kidding. i'm complaining that the temp isn't supposed to move much beyond 50 until the weekend...

MamaMaven said...

I thought of your disgust with winter when I saw the Today Show and the snowing out where you are. I am with Mitzi, I think I might off myself if it were snowing at this point. It is 70 and rainy.

Loralee Choate said...

Did I mention that I am freaking excited? Because I AM.

Unknown said...

Look at boy's face. It slays me.

Mayberry said...

Oh my god the snow. I am losing it. But it's nice that the kids love it!