Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Can you stand it? More sewing...

Thanks to all that participated in my Earth Day Giveaway! Our winner, as chosen by random, is Joansy! Email your address to swiperbootsdora (at) gmail (dot) com to claim your yet to be determined prize!

Here's a teaser:

The silverware is just for show, yo. But something like this will end up in the giveaway winnings.
I would have gotten more done, but lately I've been obsessing about 'a quilt for every kid'. I'm working on one for my oldest. She's been rather patient while I make one for each of the naggers, I mean younger kids...
It's still in progress, but she's pretty pleased.
This is my favorite part of quilting - it really starts to look like something.

And speaking of looking like something - I finally finished The Boy's. This one had been in my craft stuff for the last three years.

Not much else going on. Spring has finally come to Minnesota. The grass went green in a day. Though windy, the kids can play outside with a light jacket, or no jacket at all. They are totally beat when I call them in at night. The Boy has noticed the days are getting longer, and it's still a bit light out when the need to be going to bed. Bedtime has never been easier - their little bodies are so tired from outside play, they hit the pillow and are nearly instantly asleep. I love this weather - the promise of spring is finally here.


1 comment:

joansy said...

Yea!!! I won!!! Yea!!!
Thanks G!