Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nearly There

What a pretty package!

No, wait...

This is where my lack of photography skills start to bother me. How do you make a cotton bag look sexy. Wait... I'll settle for "good."

Unfortunately, I'm not a very good guesser at what I'll need. Only the one on the right is done. I broke down and bought binding - but didn't buy enough. I can make it, but it's not my favorite thing to do. In order to finish them, I need to go back to the craft store. I can either drag three kids there or wait until they're all in school tomorrow morning.

I'm going to wait.

Here's the deal. I have two blue ones (green trim)SOLD, two red paisley (blue trim), and one of the circles and squares (brown trim)SOLD. The two red paisley are still available.

I will be putting them on etsy tomorrow afternoon for $20 each. If you're interested in one, you can "call" it by either emailing me or leaving a comment and I'll set up a listing just for you and email you the link. If you act now (before they go on etsy), I'll throw in a crocheted cotton dishcloth for each bag you buy.

The specs: they measure 20" wide by 13" tall. The handles are reinforced with coordinating binding. The side seams are flat-felled, and the corners are boxed. As I showed yesterday, the can hold quite a bit.

Come on... Please? I showed you my bacon. And yes, I feel a little naked about sharing my food purchases.

On the homefront. Today's a "Mommy Day" for The Toddler. Meaning a lot of this goes on:

For the most part, we try not to get dressed or leave the house. With the exception of walking to the bus stop, I haven't put my shoes on all day. Yea, my life sucks. Heh.

And one other thing.

To my Boy,

If you and your friends are going to do stupid stuff - which I know you are - it really isn't a good idea to take pictures of it with my camera...

Your Mom



Mitzi Green said...

i'd love one but like i said, then i won't have anything to scoop the cat poo into.

as for how to make them look sexy...i don't know...get naked models to hold them?

Tree said...

I literally laughed out loud at the pic of your son & friends. That totally happens in my house.

I already emailed for dibs on the one on the right!

Anonymous said...

OMG.. so downloading the pictures from our camera. RIGHT NOW!!!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds the boy doing silly things.

Unknown said...

Love the bag, love the girls!

justme said...

oh man - your son, the photo !! the future !!!

Anonymous said...

Aw. You can't say your life sucks, when you get lots of hugs like that one! Loved the "evidence" photo.

Anonymous said...

LOL! @ your boy. Guess he hasn't learned that Mom has eyes in the back of her head. Mom had informants. Mom knows. hee hee

Mom O Matic said...

That is hilarious!

Karen said...


trisha too said...

Gretchen! I'm a hermit by choice; embrace the no-shoes, no-makeup, pjs wearin' days!

Here's the thing. It's the tag thing.

Here’s the idea:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And if you don't want people to stalk your blog, you shouldn't join apron swaps . . . ;)

Gretchen said...

Thanks all. That is his friend, my son is taking the picture. I haven't told him I know, but we recently had a little "no jumping off the furniture, including your dresser" discussion.