Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's never good when the phone rings after 9:30...

Dad called to say that my Grandma isn't doing well. She hasn't eaten much of anything and has lost quite a bit of weight. Though one never knows, it's looking closer to "The End." The other day she asked when her parents would be there.

I asked if I needed to come. Not yet, just wanted you to know. I'm fighting every instinct to pull the kids out of school and leave now. Rather, I'm doing laundry and getting the house in order in case we need to leave quickly. I've been fending off tears most of the day. We'll go down this weekend.

It's hard. You know. It's not If. It's When. She's been blessed with a long and amazing life. Ninety five years. She grew up on the East Coast, moved to the midwest, and was married to my Grandpa for sixty years. They traveled and saw more places than I dare dream. She hasn't been the same since he died eight years ago this January.

My heart is heavy and aching. Though I can rationalize that it's something we'll all do, it doesn't make it any less painful.



Wonderful World of Weiners said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I agree with you, although it's not if, it's when - and that is still hard to deal with.

95 years young - how nice that you've had her love for so long.

I'll keep her in my thoughts.

Now about the poop proud? Really? I just don't think I'll ever get there! :)


Mitzi Green said...

i'm so sorry. i know it's only a matter of time before i get similar phone calls about one or both my remaining grandparents--the ones i was closest to as a child. i only ever see them at holidays now, because seeing them as they are--so old and frail and my grandpa half the time can't remember who i am--just tears me in half. i'll be thinking about you.

BlueBella said...

Wah. That's all I have to say about that.

Mayberry said...

I'm so sorry. We are in a similar situation with my husband's lovely grandmother and it's so hard.

MamaMaven said...

I'm so sorry. Its so hard. My grandmother had a stroke last year and her life changed in a day, it was a real wake up call that she was old because up to then she never seemed it. Thinking of you and your family!

justme said...

sorry for your pain. sending you some special thoughts.

Mom O Matic said...


Builder Mama said...

Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way. I hope you get to spend some special time with her this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you.

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

I'm so sorry; I've got some grandparents I'm worried about as well. I hope it's a false alarm -- we've had several scares where new medications caused more harm than good. I know, they can't stay with us forever, but you can never really be prepared.

Hugs to you and your family!

Karen said...

I'm so sorry Gretchen. But you know, if she's been blessed with family members as wonderful as you, you know she'll go having had the most blessed life.

Loralee Choate said...

I am so sorry, Gretchen.

Just so sorry.

I don't think people are ever ready to lose someone you love, so matter how old they (Or you) are.

Tree said...

I am sorry, Gretchen. So very sorry. (((HUGS)))

Unknown said...

Sounds like we had a similar weekend.

I am so sorry. Big hugs.

Sara said...

lost my memaw in october, I feel for you. prayers for you and your family in this difficult time.