Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day.

This year, I did the cop-out valentines. Meaning - I ordered them off etsy and did them myself. I take that back, my oldest helped some. To be honest, getting valentines ready for 3 kids x 22 kids per class + 13 "special" people in the school (PE teacher, librarian, etc) was more than I wanted to involve my kids in.

Every other year, I've made the kids write their own name and 'help,' but with getting the third child involved... It's more than I wanted to tackle.

This year. Next year I'll be back to my manic self, buying paper doilies, red construction paper, and plenty of glue sticks and glitter.

The kids had their parties yesterday - and boy did they bring home the loot...



So far, they've been really good about just eating a piece or two.

So far.
The other day, I ran across an etsy listing for "A Giant Warm Tube of Love."

Now, before you get any dirty ideas... It's like a large round scarf.

I scaled it down, and made one for each of the kids. They love scarves, but tend to get in the way. This is just perfect...

It's long enough to put under the coat collar and up and over the nose and ears, but short enough it can be scrunched down.

See, it's all about the yellow chenille.


Anonymous said...

I am such a lame mom. We went to the Hallmark store and The Boy picked out Star Wars Valentines...

MPPs Mom said...

boy I wish I had seen those etsy ones in time to use them this year. I despise the box kits in the stores, but ran out of time and ended up with some heart/arrow with a swizzle stick as the arrow.....ick.

I LOVE that scarf, what a great idea. And so perfect for kids too!

Mitzi Green said...

i figured since i had to make 24 foam heart bookmarks, i could get away with having the boy pick up a box of "ratatouille" valentines this year. it was hard enough just getting him to put his name on them, and the little shit stopped when he got to 20 (leaving mom to finish the rest)...

justme said...

holy cow that is a lot of valentine's day cards to do !! i never thought of the fact of multiple kids in school needing that.

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Ooh, love the scarf and you're right, perfect for kids.

Gretchen said...

Nat - not lame at all!

MPPS - I'm checking if she has any extra, and buying them for next year!

Mitzi - can't wait to hear how the party went!

Feener - it adds up let me tell you.

leeanthro - the kids love them. I may put some on etsy next fall.

Mom O Matic said...

Love the tube of love. Will you be making some for your shop?

Builder Mama said...

That tube of love is awesome. You have to make some for the shop!

We bought valentines at Target. I suck.

klasieprof said...

My middle (11) ate so much candy and junk at school that she threw up at after school Tae Kwon Do. She politely informed me later..that...(shhh...she also had "the diarrhea") LOL!

We don't do much candy at our house ..she simply OD'd.