Thursday, February 28, 2008


I love it when people email me and ask, "Do you think you could make that?" with a somewhat specific thought in mind.

If they didn't, I wouldn't have the opportunity to make an adult sized rainbow frog hat.

Another friend asked if I could make a quilt for her daughter. She had two colors in mind. I immediately yelped, "YES!" and shot her two links - one for a prospective pattern and another for fabric selection.

Seriously people. I live for this kind of stuff.

The market bags are nearly done. I did get sidetracked yesterday (see above picture), so I'll do my best to get the etsy links up and going this afternoon.


Right now, my youngest wants her very own rainbow frog hat. In her size, of course.



Mitzi Green said...

i don't want a rainbow frog hat.

but now i feel better about taking you hostage in a few weeks and forcing you to slipcover my glider. and maybe baste my bedroom curtains (remember that single panel? i cut it in half). and possibly hem a couple pairs of my pants.

guess i should add "personal tailor" to that list of Staff I Plan to Hire When I'm Rich.

Mayberry said...

You're like Crafty Mom for Hire.

That frog hat is so cool!

Tree said...

G, you are TOTALLY AWESOME! I love it. And you. Smooches.

Mom O Matic said...

Very cool! How funny - cause I came here to bug you for advice. I want to make a little scented heater pillow (like your fun bags) for a child. So I'm going to sew a doll with a packet inside it's tummy.

How should I do it. Rice and tea leaves for scent?

Please advice O Crafty Mom!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. That is too funny. rotfl.

Anonymous said...

ooohhh I love it!!! reminds me of something I had when I was a little girl.

Unknown said...

That is so awesome I can't even stand it.