Thursday, February 21, 2008


Anyone have a magic wand?

I could sure use one. The other day, the boy was vacuuming. He unplugged the Air Freshener to plug in the vacuum, and set it on the table. It tipped over.

It was there a little while before I noticed it.

Fortunately, we bought the 'service plan' and we may get a replacement. We may not. I tried to fix it myself before reading the fine print.

Ah well. Whatcha gonna do? My kid was vacuuming...



Anonymous said...

It think this the perfect definition of the Catch 22.

klasieprof said...

Perhaps a nice potted plant would look nice there????

Louise said...

I'm not sure if this will work and maybe you have already fixed it but....


has a great way to get rid of white marks on tables.