I got nuthin...
Want to hear me whine about how I'm still sick? Better yet, about how the people responsible for NyQuil and Carmex should win some sort of a prize - or at least my undying devotion. Eh. Didn't think so.
Want to hear about how I put a couple more things on my Etsy site? Or about how I've puts some items on sale because I'm sick of looking at them? Plus, I'm getting the evil eye from my spouse about the condition of the dining room.
Want to hear about my running, or lack thereof? Every time I stand up I cough. If I stand for too long I get light headed. Fortunately, sitting at the computer with a box of tissues and a cup of hot tea watching Netflix on demand doesn't tax my system too much. Plus, the kids think I'm "working."
Well, except this one...Now he's got 'it' too. See how he's nearly asleep, and still cradling the remote? I am truly raising a man. Heh.
Hopefully it's not due to the indentured servitude I force upon them every so often...Well, at least every time it snows. It's not nearly as bad as it looks... Really. It took about 15 minutes. I even helped - this time...
Even the Toddler has her own shovel. Yes, it was the best $4.99 x 3 I ever spent.
He was just upset because I wasn't letting him get out the snowboard until the driveway was cleared.
I'm a hardass I tell you. Tote that barge, lift that bale...
What are some chores your kids do?
ahhh sorry, hope you feel better soon.
Dex helps us clean, but doesn't have any official chores yet. Need to get on that.
I read somewhere that if they can bend from the waist they are capable of emptying the dishwasher! Mine set the table, make their beds (sort of) and fold washing. I'm sure there is more they could do - they have it pretty good around here!
My tribe have various chores. Beds must be made in the morning with jammies under pillows (to avoid evening procrastination at bedtime using the lost jammies as an excuse to hang around for an extra ten minutes). Recycling has to be sorted and put outside, dishwasher emptied, laundry sorted and brought down to washing machine and also emptying the compost caddy. Joshua hoovers the stairs and top landing each Saturday and I pay him 50p if he does it without being prompted.
I've had a cold for weeks now, it's awful. I've also contaminated my best friend and my Dad as well.
I am currently smelling some lovely lavender and chamomile thing I had someone send me. It's making me happy... I can breathe!
The kids look cute. Stay warm. Feel better.
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