Monday, December 31, 2007

It's not New Year's Eve around here...

What's a girl to do? She was born 12:04 pm, January 1st, 2000. We've dubbed the day "Happy Big Girl Eve!" Not the first baby in the hospital, but at that point I was just glad she was 'out' - all 8+ pounds and 14 1/2" head of her.

Did I tell you this year we decided to go shopping together for her birthday? She even picked out the wrapping paper. I told her I'd buy the things, but she had to let me wrap them and she couldn't open them until her birthday. I do have a couple tricks up my sleeve - a new 24" bike and a crocheted wrap that she's coveted for awhile now.

Also, before the new year starts, I have a couple Christmas pictures. Ok... More than a couple.

First off, The Boy got a snowboard. Not to leave her out, my parents got one for the Big Girl as well.

This is where I grew up. There's something strangely calm and satisifying about going to the sticks. My parents have lived in the same house for over thiry years. When they moved in, there were no trees on the place.

Dad likes planting trees. I can remember jumping over some of them. He did leave enough room for sledding and snowboarding.

As it were, the slope is just perfect for the beginning snowboarder. It's a good thing there's a weight limit on the board, or I just may have hopped on. The Toddler? She's more of an 'inside kid' in the winter. I played on this chalkboard desk as a child. The chalkboard hinges up for chalk storage. Nothing's changed - just more chalk.

Ok. So. This will probably let you know more about me than you want...

The Boy got a box from my parents. He's a very serious present opener.
What's this? A puppy? No. Is it moving? Not any more...

Grandpa getting into character. He explains how he put in on his back, crawled up the stairs, and growled at Grandma. If you knew my mom, this was not a good idea.

He laughs and laughs. I tell you what. It wasn't funny to my mom at the time, but I snicker when I think about my 60something Dad crawling up the stairs to get a rise out of my Mom. Not to be morbid, but when I look at the above picture, this is how I want to remember my dad.

Have you figured it out yet? It's a bear hide. My dad shot it with a bow and arrow last year. He got a bigger and 'better' one this year. He thought The Boy might get a kick out of it. After a little initial apprehension, he thinks it's pretty cool. So do I. For what it's worth, I've turned down offers of bear meat to take home for the freezer. No, I'm not kidding.

One more. One itty bitty little thing. My husband once again proved how hard I am to please.

Really difficult. All it takes is something sparkly and shiny. This is a pretty crappy picture - a really crappy picture. But I just had to share. Shallow, I know. So, so, so, shallow.

Rather than end on that, I'd like to give a shout out to my parents. Good lord are they patient.
Dad resurrected the unfinished doll house from the basement. They decided that it would be a fun project for the kids - here's some paint! The kids loved it. They worked on in for almost two hours.

And Mom? Remember The Turkey? This time she let them frost the spritz cookies.
Back to tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll have an 8 year old girl. How is this even possible? I'll spend tonight getting as many 7 year old hugs as I can.

Happy New Year!



Penny said...

My husband is a new year's baby also. I know it is hard to make the distinction, plus now, with my son being born on the 30th, I gave up Christmas cards for writing birthday invitations this year. I'll have better planning by the time that he is eight, maybe! I admire you for making your daughter's birthday special.

Builder Mama said...

Happy Birthday to the Big Girl! I can't believe she's turning eight, so I know you can't either.

Your parents are totally cool. Can I borrow them sometime?

And congrats on the bling. Not shallow at all, just well-deserved.

Have a wonderful New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Addison! Eight!?! Wow... time sure does fly! I hope she has a fantastic day.

Congrats to you on the bling! I'd say J did good, for sure!

Happy New Year to you and the family. I'll be seeing you in a few months. We better get those shoes on today and head out. Today begins my full on training.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Addison. I can't believe that little bundle is 8 already! Good grief, where has the time gone!

Joe said...

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!

I am super-proud of you for getting your little rippers snowboards!


Once they get the hang of it, you should take a family trip out to Big Sky. I'll squire them around the mountain and show them the ropes.

Gretchen, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Even though our lives couldn't be more different, I love coming here and reading this stuff, in amazement at the sheer industry and precision with which you marshall your little army.

It's like coming back to the nest. I love it.

I hope you and yours have a terrific 2008.

Nat said...

The Boy was due on New Years Day as well but decided to come two days early. :)

Happy Birthday to your eldest munchkins.


Rachelle Jones said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet girl, and Gods Blessigs to you and yours!!

Gretchen said...

Penny - it's not planning so much as luck of the draw! I'm still working on the planning...

Builder Mama - My parents are the best. I can't help that I won that lottery.

Anne - thanks so much - Can't wait to see you again! Training starts in earnest on Monday.

Karen - If I could bottle her right now, I would - eight is such a lovely age!

Joe - thanks so much. Really.

Moral Victories - She wasn't due until the 6th - so I lucked out that she was a wee bit early.