Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crafty Christmas Idea

Yesterday, finally, my sewing machine was ready. Sweet baby, home to Mama. I know, what am I supposed to do without my sewing machine for a whole week?

In the mail I received a package of scrap fabric from ReproDepot. Very cute stuff - all new fabrics made to look vintage.
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Lookie- a nice big stack. Some are wider than others, but all are interesting.

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Let me guess, snap peas and turnips?

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To fabrics I wish I had more of.

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Not too sure what I'll do with this one, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Jenni, any thoughts?

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Cute cowgirls.

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Wait a minute. Is that a nipple I see?

Why yes, yes it is. Not that I'm against them, just to see them displayed like that... On fabric of all things. Well, that and I've never seen a cowbow that looks quite like that.

Which leads me to the question, what, exactly would one make with a semi-naked cowboy? "Hi Grandma, I made you a quilt... Why yes, that's a nipple... No Grandma, I was only thinking of you..."

After a little brainstorming, I knew what I had to do...

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Make something for my sister for Christmas.

I hastily cut the fabric and sewed up a quick pouch.

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Measured out some rice (glad to see my WW scale going to good use) and loose leaf Crimson Berry Tea. Wait, or is it a tissane? Eh, don't think it really matters for this.

Mix well. Pour in the bag and sew it closed. Toss it in the microwave for a minute or so.

Viola - you're very own "Hot Pack."

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I mean Heat Pack. For sore muscles and all. I have enough fabric to make one more. Let me know if you're in need.

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Why am I blushing?



Mommi Tutu said...

I'm. In. LOVE!

Yee haw! Giddyup!

Dang I just don't know what else to say . . . except I love how that hot fabric cowboy's package is bulging out those chaps . .. jeesh tie me up wiht that lasso baby!

Suddenly coming up with aches all over . . .

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Oh. My. God.

So you rub the cowboy crotch all over your achey eyes? That's brilliant. On so many levels.

Totally hot in a slightly brokeback mountain kind of way.

Oh and the skull fabric? I'm thinking "child's hairbow". Easter Sunday.

Gretchen said...

Jenny- Hairbow? Just tell me where to send it...

Unknown said...

Love it!

Mitzi Green said...

my kid's making gingerbread dudes with gumdrop goodies; i don't need a half-naked cowboy neck cozy...

joansy said...

That was hilarious.

I'm in serious need of a Heat Pack. Can I pay with paypal?

Builder Mama said...

Best. Gift. Ever. I am so jealous, your lucky sister!

I love all the fabric. I'm thinking with the skull fabric you could totally make a do-rag for The Boy.

abogada said...

I've done a lot of sewing, but I've never seen fabric that is quite so . . . interesting. I imagine that hot pack is warm, even without microwaving.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Can you ship to Houston? Or better yet, can you personally COME to Houston?

I promise to have a big pitcher of beergarita's waiting...

OhTheJoys said...

Now that is one NICE hot nipple pack!

Melissa said...

Okay - THAT was GREAT. Love it. I wish I had a sister as thoughtful as you!

Mom O Matic said...

Love your man sack. Plus the bonus of a hot pack tutorial was sweet. Can you use any loose leaf tea?

Rachelle Jones said...

I am still in awe over how much you get doen in a day...seriously. You may want to consider running for political office

Gretchen said...

Thanks all. It was a really fun project. I'm in the process of looking for more of the fabric.