Friday, December 21, 2007

Finally Friday

It's friday, and I'm up much, much earlier than I like to be. Really, anything before ten is too early, but that's not much of an option these days.

Today is The Boy's Kindergarten Holiday Party. Somehow, I agreed to be 'in charge' of it. Well, as in charge as you can be in a room of 24 five year olds.

The activities are planned. The snack portion of the event involves them decorating their own sugar cookie. With frosting. And sprinkles. Oh. My.

Last night was spent wrapping. And wrapping. And wrapping. Three rolls of tape. Oh. My. Considering we're 'cutting back' this year, I hate to think how it would have ended up if we hadn't.

And for what will be my final crafty crap for 2007, at least that I post about...

I'm giving the teachers Target gift cards. Rather than shoving them in an envelope, I made small wallets - velcro closure on the flap. More etsy fodder, what can I say.

I know this post is kind of all over the place, but so's my brain right now. Somewhere between 4 pm and 5 pm, while riding down I-35, I will fall asleep. Given the late nights and early mornings of trying to make this holiday 'special' for the kids, I've really sacrificed some sleep.

Where am I going with this? I don't know...

Have a wonderful Christmas. Really. I hope it's twinkling lights, warm cookies, a glowing fire, and family and friends.


Tree said...

Happy Holidays!

I love the gift card wallets. How pretty! I would be up for buying a load of them for the upcoming year - and throughout the year.

Gretchen said...


I'll put one in to the mail for you after the first of the year...

Gretchen said...
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Lukie said...

The holidays will do that to you. I love the kids parties at school and with the way things are working we might not have them much longer.

My blogs are usually all over the place with random thoughts thrown on a page.

Mayberry said...

Hope you survived the party. I just helped at the one in my daughter's class (I wasn't in charge) and I needed both a stiff drink and a long nap afterward.

Merry Christmas, at any rate!

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

LOVE the wallets!

I just finished wrapping a few last gifts that arrived in the mail after my big wrapping night (my daughter was at Grandma's so I took up the entire living room floor and made the baby promise not to tell).

I keep thinking I'm forgetting something. Hmmm, guess I remember as we're sitting under the tree.

Dan said...

Hey Gretchen,
Just popping on to wish you a very merry christmas, and a happy new year!