Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm done being frustrated by this...


I'm not going to do anything else to the chair - as I will probably make it worse. For now:

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The culprit:
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But there are more important things going on around here. Last weekend was the big dress rehearsal for The Nutcracker. They've got a pretty slick way to make sure parents volunteer. When you sign up, you pay the instructor fee, put down a costume deposit, and put down a $100 volunteer deposit. As long as you do what you say you will, the volunteer deposit check is torn up.

I told them I can sew. Apparently, that's hard to find. So far I've fixed three dresses and was given the opportunity to embelish as soldier's uniform.


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Dark green. "Just add a little gold, maybe some buttons..."

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See the sleeves?

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This is for a boy.

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I made my own frog-style closures.

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More importantly?

First big snow.
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Don't they look sad... Can we go outside? Pleeeeaaaaassssseeee? I was trying to get the jacket done, and it started snowing big, fat, wet flakes. Oh. My. Guess what's sitting in our driveway? New shingles. They promised it would be done by Thursday. Promised.

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Fine. Go outside.



Anonymous said...

I was wondering if a Coach store might sell something to take the ink off the leather.

Nice job on the jacket!

The Park Wife said...

I just found your blog, I really like it. I too am a transport, no family around and a mom! Stop by when you have time.

We have a man in our town who specializes in leather repair, you might call someone like that and ask them. You can always just make a pretty throw to put over it, haha.