Be the Grownup
Over the last couple of days, I've come to a painful realization.
I'm not ready, physically or mentally, to run the Las Vegas Marathon.
After my first, I promised myself 'next time' I'd be ready. Lose that 20 (or 40) extra pounds and really put myself into training.
I haven't done it to my satisfaction. I've been slacking on my mid-week runs, and eating like it's going out of style.
With that, I'm not going.
Could I do it? Sure. Would I like the outcome? Not one little bit.
So with that, I'm "being the grown-up" - meaning when you have something you know is bad for you, pulling away rather than forging ahead. I'm going to take some time and head back to the gym. Get back on the weights, and hit the elliptical. Give my road legs a rest.
Now, if I can just 'be the grown-up' with the rest of the Halloween candy.
never mind the halloween candy--turkey day is 2 weeks from today...
Being the grownup is hard. But it is also invigorating to know that you give yourself the permission to excuse yourself from something that you know is ultimately not in your best interests.
I applaud your decision. Look forward to seeing you in April!
Don't be too hard on your self, Gosh did you know that you have 3 children under the age of 8. That is a marathon on its own. We (or at least me) are amazed at what you do.
I agree with Tree. It is very adult and grown up to be able to realize that you aren't doing the best thing for yourself.
And that would be why, when you called me about going to do the race in Denver, I said no. I knew there was no way physically that I could do it, I could never get the training done in time, etc. etc. etc.
I think sometimes we have a hard time reining ourselves in when we have a goal in mind...but sometimes it's the right thing to do.
Thanks all. It's amazing the weight that's been lifted off my shoulders.
I commend you being able to call it quits. I don't know if I'd be able to do the same. I'm pretty stubborn!
Hmm, they probably would let you drip to the half ...
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