Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hump Day

5 + 4 = 9
Tree, seriously, when did you find the time? How does one go about mothering two children (one nursing), maintaining a house, have a husband that travels, work full time and train for a marathon? Does Krypton make you lose your power?

Today, in order to get my full miles in, I was up at 5:45 and out the door at 5:55. My goal was to get 5 miles done in about an hour and get home so my husband could leave for work. I managed that goal, and jogged in the driveway at 6:54. As soon as I walked in the driveway, the garage door went up and I gave my husband a quick kiss as he left for work.

Proceeded to help Big Girl get ready for school and on the bus. Had the other two get dressed and eat breakfast so we could go to the gym 'early' as we had an appointment at 11:15, and I would really need a shower before then.

Got the remaining four miles in (and a few weights), headed home, had twenty minutes to shower and dress before we were off again to pick up lunch. That 11:15 appointment? Bringing lunch to the Big Girl at school.

Playing Catch (up)
Last weekend was a busy one. The Boy's birthday party on Friday was just the beginning.

Saturday I got a 12 mile run in before the Boy had to leave for Baseball at 9:15. Dropped The Girl off at the neighbor's for a birthday party at 9:30 and scurried to the shower. Entertained the Toddler while I cleaned and cleaned.

Company was coming.

After cleaning I started cooking and cooking.

My parents, sister, the twins, and their dad arrived at 7 pm that night. Saturday night we ate and talked and held babies.

Sunday morning I was up at 8:45 (ok, yea, my kids sleep in - I know how lucky I am - they didn't always) and started cooking Mother's Day Brunch. Ate at 10:30, and tried to figure out what to do with the rest of the day.

Decided it would be "fun" to take the kids and have pictures done. Called a couple places and found one that had a 2 pm appointment. Went as well as can be expected with a 7 year old, 5 year old, 2 year old and 2 month old twins.

Came home from pictures expecting our company to leave around 4. They stayed until almost 6. Although prepared 'stuff' wise, I wasn't prepared emotionally/physically. My sister and I have had our ups and downs, and I just wanted everyone to be 'happy.'

Monday was Big Girl's dance recital and final Girl Scout meeting. They started within 15 minutes of each other. The recital lasted about 30 minutes, and we headed to GS. I'd taken the materials to the host's house earlier, and asked her if she'd start the meeting. As much as I've enjoyed being a Troop Leader, I'm ready for a break.

Since that, I've been unable to get 'caught up' - if there even is such a thing. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, what have you - I just feel like I'm in a giant hamster wheel - spinning and spinning and staying in place.

I know one way to shake it is to send the kids to a neighbor's for an hour or so. That way I can get caught up, or at least picked up, without them making a mess behind me.

Kidney or First Born?
With gas prices over $3 a gallon and a 30ish gallon tank, the kids and I have done a lot of walking to the local Kwik-E-Mart. It's half a mile there and the kids ride their bikes while I chase after them. They think it's a great 'adventure' and I love the fact that I'm not burning a bunch of gas for a gallon of milk and loaf of bread. Well, that and the slushees.

Happy Hump Day.


Mitzi Green said...

you need to slow the f down before MY head explodes.

Anonymous said...

This is nearly word-for-word the response I get every single day when asking, "So, how was your day?"

Tree said...

Great job, G. It can spin your head, that is true.

Seriously, when I had to get in the miles, I was waking at 4:30 a.m., pump for 20-25 min, then run for over an hour. Every single f-ing day. That's why I am not so sure I have another one in me right now. I do, but not quite yet. It's all-consuming.

You amaze, chicka.