Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Note to self...

The only time you're disappointed is when you expect something in the first place.

Now... off to the gym to work off my pent up aggression.


Tanaya said...

Ever watch that show "Becker" with Ted Danson? One line I'll always remember from that show is "...no expectations, no disappointments." A little pessimistic, but so true.

Tree said...

OMG. That is totally my motto when in conjunction with DH's ability to assume any childcare duties, any bday gifts, etc. That way, I am always thrilled with anything.

I spin it and call it "managed expectations."

BTW, how was your 10 miler?

Unknown said...

"managed expectations." I dig it.

MPPs Mom said...

so how many disappointments does it take to learn where to place your 'managed expectation'? And is there a limit to how many disappoiments it takes to completely crush your spirit all together?
just curious. Sorry to hear your hopes were dashed.
christina, close to being crushed.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Just dropped by to say hello...

Hello! Now off to read more of your blog...