Hump Day
Better late than never, I suppose.
Ever have one of those days that just, poof!, it's gone? Well maybe not gone, but it just felt so fleeting? A day of trying not to get lost in the details?

Riding your bike around a pile of snow. How many kids can you count in the picture?
Pile's going to get bigger. Supposed to have snow and 'wintry mix' starting Friday and ending seven days later.
But spring will be here before too long. We'll put away the boots, hats, mittens, heavy coats and dive head on into spring.
It's the thought that Spring WILL come that keeps me alive! LOL!
I agree with long island dad. I put my son in a t-shirt today just so I could see him in it. Spring will be here soon and as soon as it's warm enough I'm going to go out in the yard and lay in the grass.
It was a balmy 70 deg here yesterday and it was oh so nice! But going to get cold again.
I love tulips. They are my favorite.
and you wonder why i won't visit.
It's soooo close!
lid - call me crazy, but I enjoy the winter. I am itching to get out and do some planting, though.
kate - nothing better than the smell of fresh cut grass in the spring!
tree - tulips remind me of spring - couldn't resist these the other day.
mitzi - yea, but we have ikea and the mall of america 10 minutes away. still.
sc - i could smell it in the air yesterday, but we're up for a big storm this weekend.
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