Because it's cold and crappy...
Since we've moved, I haven't gotten out a lot of the toys. Didn't need to. It was spring, then summer, then fall. If they didn't come home tired out and dirty, the kids' hadn't done their job. You know, the hard work about being a kid? Yesterday was just warm enough to make mud. You should see the ring in my bathtub.
Wednesday, I took this picture:
Wednesday, I took this picture:

Time to get a few of the toys out. Time to move inward - maybe just a little. They - the neighbors - say that this is just temporary. It'll last a week or so, then warm up. If you consider the 50's warm. Then after Halloween winter will set it for real.Wednesday, I pulled out the Thomas stuff. A tote of track and a bunch of little trains. They'll play with it for hours. They key is to have enough track. I think we have five sets. Otherwise, they fight over the turns. Oh, and have two Thomas trains. The Big Girl doesn't care, but the other two do. For $4.99, it's worth it...
Gretchen, I got here from Mama Drama. I LOVE the pic of your princesses!! Pretty, pretty girls! Isn't being the mommy of girls great? 'Course, my Bethany is only 4 months old, but I waited for her for a long time, and I'm still enthusiastic. I SO look forward to Girl Scout meetings!
brrrrr, snow already? yuck!
LOL - Thanks! I needed that!
It's actually cooled down here - only in the 70's overnight now. We can actually open the windows in lieu of AC...
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