Thursday, July 20, 2006

The flip side

After reading this post yesterday... I got thinking. What about the women at the gym? I've come up with a couple options for the ladies.

The College Student. She's there, in all her glory. Working her ass, and last nights beer, off. She might not have six pack abs, but she's pretty close. She hits the cardio hard. Really hard, like the serial masturbaters around her. She knows she looks good, and might even preen in front of the mirror while playing with the weights.

The Lady that Lunches. She's there, but only for appearances. She'll drop a crapload of cash for a 'personal trainer' to walk her through a routine she's done a hundred times. She's talkative and chatty, always finding a friend to converse with. Her outfit is always coordinated, with full hair and makeup done. Usually, she can leave the gym without even breaking a sweat, but when asked "What did you do today?" she'll have an answer.

The Mom. She shows up, kids in tow. Most days just getting to the gym is an adventure. She drops the kids, diaper bag, snack, etc off, rushing out the door, hoping no one cries this time. Time is of the essence - never know when the daycare will call needing assistance for little Janey's poopy pants or Dick's temper tantrum. Her workout isn't necessarily about what she does, but that she's doing it. Maybe the gym is the only 'quiet' time she has. Working out builds strength, and she needs all she can get.

There are more, but this is what I notice the most of when I'm there.

Last night, after a spat with my sister, my mom watched the kids while I took off for the gym. Rather that road-rage drive there, I took my bike. Problem is, I'd never noticed the "Steep Grade" signs when driving, and spent about three minutes going through if-this-then-that bail out options while whizzing down the hill. I'm such a chicken. But I did it. Workout went well also. Plenty of time to think.


Tanaya said...

What about the really smelly guy? There's always a few of those...the old school guys who leave their workout clothes in their locker all week and take them home on the weekend for washing. You know the ones that smell so bad you have to try to discreetly move to another machine to get away from their stench?

Dan said...

I don't do Gyms. I can wait for hell for when I shuffle off the mortal coil ;)

Gretchen said...

Tanaya - makes me think of the "Smelly Cat" song from Friends!

Dan- It's not as bad as it sounds.

Tree said...

Good job. I know of those people you describe!