Friday, June 23, 2006

Weirded out

Nothing coherent is coming to mind today... except we have the block party tomorrow. In the cul-de-sac... our front yard. No biggie - really. Except.

"They" invited the previous owners of our house.

Is that weird or is it me?

Part of me has been hell bent on getting as much done as possible before the block party - I work best with a deadline - not so much to 'show off,' but well... maybe to show off what we've done. Kind of in a "you have one kid I have three look what I can do." I feel pretty small even admitting that. Really small.

I don't know. Part of it feels like a little bit of a slight - like we aren't good enough, so they're inviting the people that used to live here.

I know it's the 'nice' thing to do, but it still weirds me out.


Builder Mama said...

Hmmm...that is a little strange. I would feel a little put-out, personally. We haven't kept in touch with anyone from our old neighborhood but maybe I'm just an antisocial wierdo.

I hope you guys have a great time!!!!

Tree said...

I agree! We have been in our house for almost 5 yr and the Murrays lived there 7 years ago (someone else had it for 2 yr in between). It's still referred to as the "Murrays' house" which sort of tweaks me. The Murrays actually moved back into the neighborhood. But I think they will find that there have been quite a few people move in over the past 5 years and it is not the same groupings of people.

I do think it odd, but not terribly odd. Don't think you are "small" either - I would feel similarly.


Unknown said...

No, it's weird.