Friday, November 11, 2005


Looks like we will be moving.

I go between cautiously excited and holy crap what have we gotten ourselves into.

What worries/scares me the most is that I will have to keep the house 'show' clean until it sells. At the rate the market is now, that could be June.

I've started a list, and have gone back to my old friend Flylady - particularly the information on moving.

For now, better get off the computer and make some progress while Baby takes a nap and the Boy is glued to Go, Diego, Go!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! So have you found a house in the new location, or waiting until you get an offer on yours? I hope it moves quickly, so you can avoid the constant "show quality" you'll have to keep it in. But don't obsess too much. The right buyers will see it's a home with three kids and see the beauty behind the 'clutter'.

So are you moving closer or farther away from me????

Anonymous said...

Yes, where?? If it is Minneapolis, I have a very good friend from college who is there. She has two girls, very close in age to your two girls. She is a no-nonsense, but very very fun person.


Gretchen said...

Most likely a suburb of Minneapolis.