Friday, January 22, 2010


I keep hearing about how unusual this winter is. Well, the snow. My husband says the last time he remembers it snowing the way it did was back in 1989. (Uphill to school both ways...)

My kids don't know much different. Neither do I . So, pending serious sub-zero temps, I send them out anyway. Yes, I know they're wearing sweatshirt. It wasn't that cold.

They called me out to show me something.

Very carefully they'd built a snowball. They wanted me to take a picture standing on it.

At the same time.

If at first you don't succeed...

Try, try again.

I do love their smiling faces.


Here's a link the cereal dispenser: Double Dry Food Dispenser. Mine is from Target, but it's black. At some point I'd like to move it to the pantry, but the kids like it where it is.


My eating wasn't great this weekend. It wasn't even good. It's like someone flipped a switch to 'carb load' and I went with it.

Today? Today I'm crawling back on the wagon. Again. If at first you don't succeed...


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