Thursday, October 02, 2008

Not quite feeling it.

Overall, I like this idea for a quilt. I used the remainder of the sock monkey jelly roll. I added an extra strip to the top, and I don't really like how it points 'out.' I'm thinking of pulling off the binding, removing the extra strip and reattaching the binding. It's backed in pink fleece, and would be wonderfully comfy cozy for a little girl.
This will most likely end up 'for sale,' as I don't really have much use for it.

Yesterday I popped together this little tote/purse. It's not my best piece of workmanship, but for no longer than I use them, it will be fine. I did interface it for added stability.

.In other news, my sister is still hanging out in the hospital. For now, things are looking just fine. She'll wait out the duration, as going home to 18 month old twins is not relaxing and she'd just end up in the hospital again.
Me? I have two quilts I promised her for her birthday. I bought the backing yesterday, and the thread for quilting today. Now I just need to get to work!


Rachelle Jones said...

I do love your work and how QUICK you manage everything...

I think I told you about this before...but I am going to send it again...

Rachelle Jones said...

I do love your work and how QUICK you manage everything...

I think I told you about this before...but I am going to send it again...

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

I really have to learn how to sew. I love that little tote that you just whipped up!

Glad to hear your sister's doing well. Too bad she's stuck in the hospital, but it does sound like the more more restful option!