Sunday, September 21, 2008

Steady as she goes...

Here I sit, my Toddler asking about a second Pop Tart, my other two playing outside, my husband playing golf, my new fabric fluffing in the dryer. All is as it should be.

Except 200 miles away my sister is in the hospital.

Last night she 'wasn't feeling right' and went to the hospital.


They were able to stop them in about an hour. Give or take.

She's still there for another day or so. Steroid shots that leave her feeling like a pincushion, constant monitoring, another 24 hour pee test... As a parent, though, she'll do what she must, she'll do it with a smile. They're all small things to ensure your child's well being.

Our fingers are crossed she can hold the baby until October. That will give her a 35 week preemie, versus a 33 week preemie.

One day at a time.

Once she gets home, she'll be on bedrest. With the exception of potty breaks and a quick shower, her only goal is to rest. Our mom will make sure of that.

Me? I'm back to where I was when she had the twins so suddenly, wishing I was closer.



Anonymous said...

I feel for both of you. (I was on bed rest for The Boy.)

Two more weeks would be grand... sending positive vibes your way.

Builder Mama said...

Ugh, I can't believe she's going through this again. Sending lots of "no labor" thoughts her way!

joansy said...

I hope she's able to hang in there a little longer. Sending many calm, resting, healthy vibes . . .

Karen said...

I hope she can hang on too. Sending lots of baby stay inside Mummy a bit longer vibes.