Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Revenge of the Sock Monkeys

Yesterday I finished the sock monkey quilt. I didn't get a ton of pictures, as my oldest wanted to get it to school and give it to her music teacher. She loves her music teacher - who just happens to be due with her first baby October 3rd. I promised her I'd get the quilt done before the baby came. Fortunately, she wasn't early.

I washed and dried it last night, and wrapped it up this morning.

Before I let it go - a quick picture:

Speaking of babies coming early... It looks like my sister will be in the hospital for the duration of her pregnancy. Right now they're hoping she'll hold out until mid-October. She's glad she's where she is - with what's going on, it could all go down hill pretty quick. Mom and Dad have taken charge of the twins when they're not with the nanny, and are relieved they don't have to keep such a close eye on their baby as well.

Which leaves me to worry about her, the baby, the twins, and my parents.

And when I worry, I like to keep busy.

Good thing I have more sock-monkey fabric. My morning worry session produced a few of these:



Anonymous said...

Your sister is very lucky to have your parents there to help. I can't imagine what it must be like for her, especially with the twins being so young. I will keep her in my thoughts and hope she makes it to 35 weeks.

Tree said...

Your sister, baby on the way, twins and parents are all in my thoughts! And I am thinking of you, too.

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

I'm thinking of your sister, the twins, and the baby.