Sunday, September 14, 2008

All laid out and no place to go.

The Bento Quilt is nearing completion. Today was a perfect day to work on it. My husband's out of town, the kids are being as good as they can, and it's raining.

I get a lot of questions on how I find time to do this with three kids.

They're at an age they can play with each other. Sure, there's plenty of compromise. See the picture below, where my boy is playing Princess Monopoly. Sometimes they all play with the Thomas track. Compromise.

For the most part.

I'm still thinking it needs a border. It's not quite where I want it yet.
Especially since it's already been sold.



Anonymous said...

Border?... you know where you should go with that. A brown and black one of course! It looks nice.

This thing is a heck of a lot of work. I'm sorry.

Tree said...
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Tree said...
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Tree said...

It is gorgeous! I like it a lot. I agree with Bryan - black & brown.

Anonymous said...

Testing. (Sorry) I'm really hating Googlt at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Yay. I fixed it. It's still messed up but I can live w/ it the way it is NOW!

Stupid gmail devoured all my email addresses into itself, changed my blog email settings. It was sending things every which way... to where they just should not be!!

How invasive and presumptuous of it.

Anonymous said...

Love it!! How long does it take you to complete a project like this...from the cutting stage to the end product? I just finished binding a quilt that I started cutting out in June...of course months went by with not even a glance, but my girls are much younger.

Anyways, sorry to hop in your blog, but the quilt top looks GREAT!!!

Mayberrys said...

We "compromise" here, too. Princess Monopoly is one of the girls' favorites, but they are just as happy to play damsel-in-distress to his Spiderman, or crash some racecars around.....