Thursday, May 01, 2008


It has been two days since I've done any sewing. And I'm getting a bit twitchy.

Hopefully I can fit some in today, between seeing my Dad off today and getting ready for the Inlaws tomorrow.

Dad came up for Big Girl's "Donuts for Dad's" day because her own dad couldn't make it. Fortunately, my dad could. It's been a great visit. Strange though, without Mom. She's finishing up her last year of teaching - which will give her more time for impromptu visits and other things.

My inlaws are coming. It's been awhile since they've visited us. Everything must be spot on. That means I need to clean and do laundry today because tomorrow...

Rolls with Loralee.




Tree said...

YAY for your dad.

Have a good visit (with the IL's, taht is) and be sure the gin is handy.

Please document the rolls in a step by step fashion.

Mayberry said...

That's adorable that Grandpa stepped in for Dad!