So here's the deal...
Spring is fleeting, summer is short, and fall comes too fast before winter starts all over again. We live in a cul-de-sac with four houses and are are friendly terms with nearly all our neighbors. And neighbors not just in the cul-de-sac, but up and down the street as well.
Except one.
Before we moved here, there was an incident that left 'bad blood' in the neighborhood.
The first summer we were here, the police were summoned three times. Last summer? It was closer to eight.
I'm not even close to kidding.
In the spring, summer and fall, we like to light up a bonfire (contained) and have a drink or two with the neighbors. Usually it's in the next door neighbor's driveway, and we keep the noise reasonable. We stand around and talk. We're getting old here, you know.
One neighbor doesn't like it.
Sometimes, yes, it does get late and maybe a little loud. For the most part? It's not.
Rather than "be the grownup," she likes to call the police. It's gotten to the point that they know what's going on, but they have to respond.
When the squad car pulled into the cul-de-sac, there were four of us in our garage, and four next door. He started next door, and then came over to our place. He was nearly embarrassed. "Guys, we've had an anonymous call (Hubs and I start snickering - duh, we know who it is), about loud voices. I'm supposed to tell you to keep it down." We chat a bit, I mean, he's just doing his job, and he goes on his merry way to deal with real criminals.
All I can think at this point, is if this is how she's choosing to live her life, it's going to be a long summer for her...
Maybe she's just mad because you didn't invite her over for a drink?
One of my neighbors got in a fight with our landscapers while we were on vacation and called the city. Before we left, we told her we were having work done while we were away, and if anything happened we could discuss it when we got home.
Apparently they crossed the property line with the mulch. And afterwords, she told me she wouldn't have cared if I planted over the line. She was just mad that they did it. She (I'm sure) kindly pointed out the property line to them.
A stop work order put on our project, and my front porch had two staircases for months until it was resolved!
What a freaking wench. (And it isn't even like your houses are really close together.)
Some people just LOOOVE to cause trouble.
As much fun as being evil and retaliating is, methinks a campaign of killing with kindness is in order!
Next time you sense one of these get togethers coming, make up a basket of cookies, gather the participaing neighbors together and pay her a visit.
Kindly invite her to the festivities and if she declines politely request she give a call to one of your houses versus calling the police if she feels the noise level is too much.
Just don't tell her you laced the cookies with dog poop.
I think I may love bluebella.
Every year we have a street party. We call the City, get the barricades, and send out flyers inviting every one to the party. It's a big old pot luck. The kids play ball hockey, there's lots of food. We sit around and chat. It's a lovely evening that usually ends up with a bonefire at the neighbours house.
We are all meandering mid-street. This one wench, decides to take her 1970 Pimp-mobile down the street at full speed. (Like *expletive* lady there are kids playing.) So the guys chased her then refused to move the barricades for her. She had to get out of her car, (while they explained what was what), as she sped off cursing at them.
You'd think that if you don't want to play, you'd just take your marbles and go home. Why be mean to every one else? You know?
I have a neighbor who pulls the same crap. She also painted and decorated her trash cans. 'nough said about how much spare time she has.
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