Saturday, May 10, 2008

Never say never...

You know how people without kids casually throw out "never" and "always"?


I was "never" going to have a kid's party at the Mouse House. Got that? N.E.V.E.R.

Guess what?

It really wasn't that bad. The key was the party was from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. We left just ast it was starting to get busy.

The Boy had a great time, but we're trying to convince him he's not 'really' six until Monday.



justme said...

thank you for admitting this b/c i too think i will never use that place, but honestly why not ???

BlueBella said...

Happy Birthday big guy! Glad you had a good time.

And remembering what can be disgusting to us as adults can be a dream to a kid is a good lesson learned here. Good on ya Mama for letting this one go though:)

Mitzi Green said...


i did the "mouse house" party for birthday #3. unfortunately, my thought that "surely he's over his irrational fear of the big mouse" was incorrect, and there almost wasn't a party, as the guest of honor took considerable coaxing to get out of the car.

happy birthday, big boy!

Nat said...

Happy Birthday Big Man!

I always thought that I'd rise above these parties in stores/restaurants/etc... not so much. Good on you for making him happy.

Loralee Choate said...

Happy birthday to the big guy (He is so cute!)

I am falling on my sword and having birthday parities for both of my boys this summer at the fun park.


I am going to make my mom your rolls for mothers day!!!!!

Unknown said...

So cute!!!