Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, My Boy.

Last night, I curled up beside him.

"Mama, I'm so excited I can't sleep."


"Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to be SIX!"

I know. That is very exciting.

I laid with him for a few minutes trying to memorize that very moment. The smell of his hair, the look of his face, the feel of his ever growing body snuggled with mine - just hold on to it for a minute.

Already the details I never thought I'd forget are fading. Eight pounds, how many ounces? Was it 8:20 am or 10 am? Twenty or twenty one inches long?

I do remember it was Mother's Day. I hadn't slept well all night, and finally decided around 7 am to call my mom. We were supposed to go to her house for Mother's Day. 'Mom, looks like we won't make brunch.' They rushed down to watch our then only child. She was still asleep in her little toddler bed when we left. I caressed her downy curls as I shed a quick tear knowing that not only would our lives change, hers would too. Quick hugs and off we went.

We arrived at the hospital, and I waddled up to the registration desk. 'I'm having a baby.' The gal smiled and asked if I could walk to Labor and Delivery or did I need a wheelchair. 'I can't make that decision right now.' She smiled again, knowingly, and replied that someone would be right with me. My husband arrived from parking the car the same minute the attendant came with a wheelchair.

Upon arriving at Labor and Delivery, we were informed that the Inn Was Full, but we could wait in the interim room. Checked in, IV'ed and ready to wait. At least there was a TV. All too soon, it was time. They wheeled me to the OR, as the room didn't have the 'functional necessities' that the birthing suites did. I was promised that there were several mothers leaving, and by the time I was done, they'd have a suite ready for me. At that time, I really didn't care - I just wanted to be done.

At the OR, the doctor walked in, sat on the foot of the bed, and checked things out. "Wow, fully dilated and effaced - you're ready to go!" He started telling a joke when the need to push struck.

There is nothing like the need to push. Nothing.

He looked again and the baby's head was nearly out, he quickly robed up and delivered.

One push.

One push and I was The Mama to The Boy.

He didn't holler right away, he'd sucked in some meconium right before birth. That was quickly suctioned out, and then he started right it.

Soon enough we were wheeled back to the interim room. It had gone so fast a room still wasn't ready. No problem for me, the baby was out - that's all that mattered.

All the nurses told me what a beautiful baby he was. 'I know you say that to everyone.' No, they said, we don't - he really is a beautiful baby. 'Thank you.' Was all I could reply.

Before long, a room was ready and I got situated. Took a shower, dried my hair, put on a little makeup, felt eighty pounds lighter though I'd probably only lost about ten, I got ready for our now big sister to meet her younger brother.

The rest of the day went by in a blur.

These days you're into Star Wars and Legos, and Star Wars Legos. You play outside every chance you get, and are a whiz playing baseball and riding your bike. You out-wear your jeans before you out-grow your jeans. There are so many things you're good at, and I can't wait to see what you're ready to do next.

Happy Birthday, my boy, Happy Birthday.


BlueBella said...

Great story Mama! Happy birthday big man:)

Loralee Choate said...

He is just the most adorable boy. Happy birthday, big guy!

Nat said...

Happy Birthday to your boy!
(Wow quite the story... wish mine was more like that.)

Louise said...

Oooh you made me cry. Such a similar story. I woke at 5am with a back ache, Chloe was already at my Mum's just in case. We arrived at the hospital at about 6am because I refused to get out of bed before 5.30am even though contractions were about 2mins apart. Waters broke, had a bit of a warm shower, knelt on the bed and out Lucinda came with about one push at 7.10am Mother's Day 2002. The only difference was the birthing suites were completely empty except me and the maternity ward was really quiet - lovely! Nice to share such a very special day with you! Happy 6th Birthday to your gorgeous boy!!

MamaMaven said...

Happy birthday to your little boy! Its amazing how the time flies!

Gretchen said...

Thank you all. It's been quite a day!

Mom O Matic said...

Oh I know just how you feel. I keep trying to remember my baby guy and he keeps getting bigger on me.

gpagma said...

What a privilege to be there! The nurse was right--he was and still is beautiful! Makes my cry tears of love and joy! Lucky, G'ma

Tanya Siekman said...

What a beautiful story ... and how lucky you were to get him here so easy. I wish it had been that easy for me when I had triplets, but they had other ideas .. ha ~
