Thursday, March 06, 2008

I need...

A break.

Just an itty, bitty one.

On an island.

By myself.

Well, except for Jim, Jack and Jose. Maybe a Grey Goose or two.

Wide open beaches. Blue sky and bluer water.

A gently swinging hammock.

A girl can dream. Right?


Tree said...

Oh, no! I will join you in about 8 weeks, though, okay?

Mitzi Green said...

no f*cking $hit. there's a dead moose on my sofa, my kid is bored to death, my boss is trying to get his entire case load closed out before the end of next week (so it would seem), and i am damned tired. and i still can't drink. i have a feeling once this baby is finally born, i am going to become a raging alcoholic making up for lost time.

Karen said...

I was just telling Andy this afternoon I needed a day to myself. There's so much shit to see to it's just not funny.

MamaMaven said...

She can dream...and have friends join her on the island!

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Can I join you?

Does this Fantasy Island have cold medicine I can safety take while nursing?

Heck, the Jim or Jack would probably know me out and I'd wake up three days later and the cold will be gone!

Builder Mama said...

I totally feel your pain. What a week!

BlueBella said...

Count. Me. In!

Mayberrys said...

I'm there. I will bring Jack and Jim with me!!

Unknown said...

Heather B has introduced me to Grey Goose Pear here in Austin. Care to share some?