Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Focus. Just stay focused...

Thank you for all you kind words yesterday. They mean the world to me. Anon... If you'd only known my granddad - He's the one on the other side calling, "There she is!" in a loud, booming voice. I take comfort in knowing that her beloved of 60 years was waiting for her.

Ok. Before I get too weepy.

That's me... The Weepy Wife.

I'm working hard to get my outstanding projects completed before we leave Thursday afternoon.

Right now, I'm on my 15 minute lunch break. Then back to the grindstone.
I'll leave you with this. The Boy has been nagging me for a quilt. I saw these squares on etsy awhile back, just begging for a project. There are 18 of them! The fabric has a vintagey look and feel.
Whoot! Can't wait to see how it all turns out.


Loralee Choate said...

I don't know what I would do without my friends and family.

They are definitely the lighthouses in my darkness.

Loralee Choate said...

I also meant to add that those quilt blocks are adorable.

Builder Mama said...

Oooh, I likey the quilt. My mom did one last year for Monkey Man, it was red, white and blue with a flannel backing, then she made a matching pillowcase from some vintage-looking fabric. Way cool.

Have a safe trip on Thursday, I'll be thinking of you and the rest of the family.

Tree said...

I am thinking of you, G.

The quilt is awesome, of course. I expect nothing less!


Anonymous said...

Why must you taunt me with these quilts? Why!

Sorry. Maybe it's better... there never really is a proper thing to say is there.