Monday, January 14, 2008

Sometimes, it's the little things...

The other day, I casually mentioned to my husband that I'd like to be able to get to the grill...

Coming from my winter-hating husband, this is big.

As a reward, I grilled steak that night.

Also, regarding my little sorting project...

Here's the after.

As a point of reference, the pile was to the bottom of the table. I put every project in it's own bag with a sticky note of what needed to be done. I resolved not to buy anything more until I'd cleared some of it out.

The other two baskets are 'completed, not posted' and 'posted' - as far as they're etsy status.

Looks like I'll be taking a few pictures today.

Yesterday, I was pretty down about it all. Wondering why, exactly, I'm so good at starting stuff, but not finishing. In some cases, I went so far as to buy the supplies, but had done nothing with it except throw it in the pile.

Partly, I think, it's because I'm not quite sure where I want etsy to go for me. Do I want to put a bunch of random stuff up or specialize - if I do specialize - what? If I don't, I need to be better about putting new stuff up on a more consistent basis. Any suggestions on this?

Ah well. I have a couple of orders yet - a neighbor wants a big, long scarf, my dad wants a hat, and I want some felted coasters. I picked up the yarn today. Heh.



Mom O Matic said...

Yum, that's a good reward!

BlueBella said...

Buying crafting supplies is crazy fun . . .but the actual work of it all leaves something to be desired.

At least you finish projects:)

Tree said...

It looks great!!! And super organized.

Loralee Choate said...

I heart my grill.

Especially in the winter. It brings a bit of summer into dinner with it!