Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I miss work.

It doesn't happen very often, but occasionally I miss work.

I miss the paycheck.
Those are cute shoes...

I miss the adult interaction.
Did you see Survivor last night?

I miss clear and concise goals every day.
We need some help with these spreadsheets.

I miss sick leave.

You heard me. I miss sick leave.

I miss taking my kids to daycare, calling in sick, taking NyQuil at 8 am, and crawling back in bed.

Now, it's just another day, except Mom feels like crap.

Yea, I was going to post the other day about how I don't get sick, blah, blah, blah. But here I am, coughing so hard my kidneys hurt. Snapping at my kids during dinner last night because the only place I wanted to be is in bed. Trying to figure out what meds we have at home because today is a "Mommy Day" for the toddler and I don't want to drag her out in the -4 F weather.

Every so often, my old life comes back to haunt me, and today is one of those days.

Now... Off to raid the medicine cabinet.



Tree said...

Oh, sweetie! If I were there, I would come over and take care of both of you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Mom O Matic said...

I totally understand. Mom's need a number to call in sick to.

Karen said...

Aww honey, I hope you feel better soon. I've just got over a week of flu and had to look after Sam the whole time. Not easy, I tell ya! Big super dooper ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

I feel the exact same way!! You are not alone, it get hard sometimes when the only people you have to talk to out of the day are a 1 year old and a 3 year old!

Nat said...

I used to miss that too when I was at home with The Boy...

Hope you feel better.

justme said...

hope you feel better !! so true about sick days OR my old favorite...mental health days

Melissa said...

Awww - Feel better. I wish you lots of chicken soup & orange juice! And sleep!!!

Unknown said...

that's tough! feel better soon!

Rachelle Jones said...

I too find myself missing the financial part of working, and the adult time.

I really miss the shoes, etc though.

I hope you feel better!!

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Poor baby! Rest, rest, rest.

If I was there I'd wrangle the kids so you could sleep.