I miss work.
It doesn't happen very often, but occasionally I miss work.
I miss the paycheck.
Those are cute shoes...
I miss the adult interaction.
Did you see Survivor last night?
I miss clear and concise goals every day.
We need some help with these spreadsheets.
I miss sick leave.
You heard me. I miss sick leave.
I miss taking my kids to daycare, calling in sick, taking NyQuil at 8 am, and crawling back in bed.
Now, it's just another day, except Mom feels like crap.
Yea, I was going to post the other day about how I don't get sick, blah, blah, blah. But here I am, coughing so hard my kidneys hurt. Snapping at my kids during dinner last night because the only place I wanted to be is in bed. Trying to figure out what meds we have at home because today is a "Mommy Day" for the toddler and I don't want to drag her out in the -4 F weather.
Every so often, my old life comes back to haunt me, and today is one of those days.
Now... Off to raid the medicine cabinet.
Oh, sweetie! If I were there, I would come over and take care of both of you.
I hope you feel better soon.
I totally understand. Mom's need a number to call in sick to.
Aww honey, I hope you feel better soon. I've just got over a week of flu and had to look after Sam the whole time. Not easy, I tell ya! Big super dooper ((HUGS))
I feel the exact same way!! You are not alone, it get hard sometimes when the only people you have to talk to out of the day are a 1 year old and a 3 year old!
I used to miss that too when I was at home with The Boy...
Hope you feel better.
hope you feel better !! so true about sick days OR my old favorite...mental health days
Awww - Feel better. I wish you lots of chicken soup & orange juice! And sleep!!!
that's tough! feel better soon!
I too find myself missing the financial part of working, and the adult time.
I really miss the shoes, etc though.
I hope you feel better!!
Poor baby! Rest, rest, rest.
If I was there I'd wrangle the kids so you could sleep.
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