Oh, it's winter all right
Funny thing about people here is they accept winter. No bitching, no whining, no moaning - just like death and taxes, so is winter in Minnesota.
For the record, I like it. I like it so much I shoveled the driveway by hand yesterday. My husband said he couldn't get the snow thrower working the other day - and if he can't, there's no way I can. I will say, the other night, as I started to shovel, my neighbor came over and did indeed help me out with his snow thrower. That's the other thing about people here, at least in our neighborhood, they're so friendly.
The kids are enjoying the snow...
This pile is rather paltry. It has snowed again since it was taken. My kids arrive home from school and promptly dress to go outside. I don't see them again until it is dark, or 5 pm whichever comes first. They are so tired and weepy when they come in. Their little cheeks ruddy from the cold, they want to eat and drink hot chocolate. Which they do, then up for bath and jammies. I do love the early bedtime all their activity affords me.
We're expecting more snow today - around two inches, and more over the weekend - somewhere between 2 inches and 8 - give or take.
I've had a few orders on my etsy site, and boy is it fun. Ready to go. Isn't the packaging lovely?
I've been really tryin to get a few of my new things out - mainly felted wool. I've had a little help:
It's really a purse, but that doesn't matter much now does it...
It's really a purse, but that doesn't matter much now does it...
So check it out. Let me know if there's anything you like. If you do order something from me and tell me you came from here, I'll throw in something extra. I've put a few things on 'sale' as I'm tired of looking at them.
I have a whole bag of more wool yarn. I'm ready to try out some mittens for the kids, and I heard that wool is extremely great in the cold and wet. It can absorb 35% of it's weight before feeling wet, and it's the only material that gets warmer when it is wet. I'd like to test that theory.
it's snowing here, too, except this is our first, and we're expecting 3-5 inches, changing to freezing rain over the weekend, and i AM bitching about it, because i hate winter, and i cannot accept it, nope nope nope.
actually i wouldn't mind it so much but for the fact i have to drive to BFE this weekend to drop off and pick up bob from his douchebag father. that's going to suck.
and y'all, her etsy crap is fabulous. i'm a happy customer.
darling, your ety store is not working...
darn it.
How much would a 5T poncho run me?
Also an afghan queen size?
just checking.
I need to learn how to knit
Mitzi - feel free to visit.
AWTM - Don't know why it's not. A 5T poncho would be $30. A queen size, like the bed, afghan? I'd need to know what type of yarn, and would have to price it. email me at swiperbootsdora@gmail.com and we can talk more about it...
we have had so little snow they are talking about major droughts in the Spring. Yay for brown grass!
We've not had snow at all this year. Hopefully we'll get a little bit around Christmas just so the kiddos can go out and play in it.
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